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Getting here

Avenida Abandoibarra, 2 - 48009 Bilbao, Spain

Google Maps   Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa 2022

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is located in the city center. Discover how to get to the Museum and make your way around Bilbao.

Public transport services in Bilbao are accessible and adapted for people with disabilities.

Bilbao International Airport (LOIU). 15 km from the city centre, with bus service to and from the airport.

Bilbao-LOIU Airport Web site

RENFE, “Bilbao-Abando” station.

RENFE Web site

ET/FV, “Atxuri (Bilbao)” station.

ET/FV Web site

Routes 1, 10, 13, 18 and A7 at the stop: “Museo 1 / Henao”.

Routes 13, 27, 38, and 48 at the stops: “Alda. Recalde 31 and 11”, and “Alda. Recalde 12”.

Routes 11 and 71 at the stops: “La Salve / Igogailua” and “Campo Volantín / La Salve”.

See bus routes

Guggenheim stop.

Euskotren Web site

Stop: Moyua, exit: “Ercilla-Guggenheim”

MetroBilbao Web site

Check out the vehicle restrictions to enter the low-emission zone. (+ INFO)

Getting to Bilbao

From Santander (A8) / Donostia-San Sebastián or Vitoria-Gasteiz (A68 and A8): from the city bypass motorway, take the Bilbao San Mamés exit. At the end of the avenue that enters the city (Avenida Sabino Arana) you’ll come to a roundabout and large statue of the Sacred Heart, where you’ll see the first signs for the Museum. The signs will direct you to Avenida Abandoibarra, which follows the river and leads straight to the Museum.


The Museum does not have a car parking facility for visitors. However, there is metered street parking available, as well as underground parking in the nearby Plaza Pio Baroja or Plaza Euskadi car parks:

– To access the Pio Baroja car park: take Avenida Abandoibarra until you see the “P” sign indicating the car park.

– To access the Plaza Euskadi car park: take Avenida Abandoibarra to Lehendakari Leizaola and turn right. This will lead you to Plaza Euskadi square. Go around the square along calle Ramón Rubial to enter the car park. This public car park has accessible spaces.

– In the area around the Museum, a number of disabled parking spaces are reserved for disabled permit holders.


The City of Bilbao has a special parking area for motorhomes in summer located at number 31 calle Monte Kobeta.

How to get there

From the A-8 motorway take the Balmaseda exit toward Altamira – Alto de Kastrexana. Take calle Camino Kobetas and then calle Monte Kobetas until you see the parking signs.

Bilbobus bus line number 58 “Mintegitxueta-Atxuri” will take you to the city center.

Access to the Museum

There are two accessible entrances:

Main facade: Access by elevator for wheelchair users (entrance through the Bar).

Riverside façade: Ramp access for wheelchair users.

There is also the entrance down the broad stairway on the main façade.