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Join our Educators Community, a new way of connecting to the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and being part of our education community

One of the Museum’s main goals is to raise awareness of the importance and complexity of the work done by educators.

To pursue this goal, we have created our Educators Community, for you to enjoy exclusive benefits while being part of an active, dynamic community.

If you are in teaching or education at any level, you can join our Educators Community.

In addition to the benefits of Followers, you will have exclusive benefits that have to do with education and training.

It is easy! Just fill in your data and start receiving notifications about the benefits of being part of our Educators Community.


Taller infantil

Exclusive and special activities

Activities especially designed and organized for the members of our Educators Community.

Benefits for you:
– Free admission days
– Orientation and guidance sessions
– Online demonstrations by artists
– Art seminars

Benefits for your students:
– Itineraries
– Virtual tours

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Online content

Explore the Museum’s exhibitions with artists and curators, watching exclusive videos or downloading our audio guides.


Information about activities and priority access

Get information about the Museum’s activities and exhibitions by email before other users and take part in special events.

Priority access:

  • Special desk for Community Members to get personalized assistance and buy Museum tickets.
  • Advance ticket booking or purchase for other activities.
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Already a Follower?