
Reticulárea (1969–82)
A monumental installation of vertically- and horizontally-suspended metal wires that hang from the ceiling and the walls, creating a constellation of lines and geometric figures that fill the space.

Streams (Chorros, 1970–74)
Accumulations of interrelated rods made of thin aluminum and other materials that are hung in cascading vertical configurations, creating the illusion of fluid metal falling.

Square Reticuláreas (Reticuláreas cuadradas, ca. 1971–77)
Series of works defined by the iterative use of linked square modules and layered metallic square nets that cascade down and undulate organically.

Trunks (Troncos, 1974–81)
Vertical cylindrical structures made of connected triangular steel wire mesh and suspended from the ceiling, showing an empty space inside.

Spheres (Esferas, 1976–77)
Compositionally based on triangular reticuláreas, these works are made of wire and other elements that are connected to form circular structures. Gego’s Spheres are the materialization of her ongoing research into geometry in relation to the cosmos.

Drawings without Paper (Dibujos sin papel, 1976–88)
Three-dimensional, gridlike structures that evoke the act of drawing in space. Featuring minimal lines and elements rendered with wire and other metals, they are installed close to the wall and offer Gego infinite possibilities to modulate space.

Bugs (Bichos, ca. 1987–91) and Small Bugs (Bichitos, 1987–89)
Made of scraps of metal and discarded fragments of previous works, these are Gego’s last three-dimensional works and represent the absolute collapse of structure and geometry, form, and the grid in the artist’s work.

Weavings (Tejeduras, 1988–91)
Small-format abstract compositions made of interwoven strips of paper from printed reproductions of Gego’s works, pages from magazines, and commercial leaflets. They are Gego’s final series of two-dimensional works and reflect her fascination with weaving.

Source: Gego. Midiendo el infinito, exhibition catalog. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbao, 2023.

Gego installing Reticulárea at the Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 1969
Photo: Juan Santana
© Fundación Gego