Ortiz, Aitor
Bilbao, 1971

Born on November 3.
Publishes the book La ría del Nervión: Bilbao metropolitano, supported by a grant from the provincial government of Vizcaya.
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao chooses Ortiz to photographically document the construction of the museum’s building.
Wins first prize in the II Concurso Internacional Ciudad de Oviedo.
Wins first prize in the Imagínate Euskadi photography competition, sponsored by Banco Central Hispano. Publishes the book Caosmos, supported by a grant from the government of Vizcaya.
Participates in the XIV Muestra de Arte Joven, organized by the Instituto Nacional de la Juventud in Madrid.
Receives first prize in the Villa de Madrid photography competition, organized by the Madrid City Council. Exhibits at the Archivo Foral de Álava in Vitoria, Spain, and Galería Juan Manuel Lumbreras in Bilbao.
Receives an honorable mention in the Generación 2000 photography competition, sponsored by Obra Social Caja Madrid. Receives an honorable mention as best new photographer in the PhotoEspaña ’00 competition. Exhibits images from the series Destructuras (1995-2002) at Galería Max Estrella in Madrid.
Wins the grand prize at the XXI Alexandria Biennale of Arts in Alexandria, Egypt. Exhibits at Galerie von Lintel und Nusser in Munich, Galería Antonia Puyó in Saragossa, Spain, Galería Gianni Giacobbi in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, and Galerie Stefan Röpke in Cologne.
Wins the Premio ABC de Pintura y Fotografía para Jóvenes Creadores, awarded by the Madrid newspaper ABC. Exhibits at the Sala Rekalde in Bilbao and Galeria Senda in Barcelona. Ortiz’s work is featured in the exhibition La subversión de la realidad at the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture’s Sala Millares in Madrid. The exhibition later travels to Beijing; Heikendorf, Germany; Gijón, Santander, and Vitoria, Spain; and Bogotá, Colombia.
Named a finalist in the X Europäischer Architektur- fotografie-Preis in Stuttgart. Exhibits at Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts in Miami and Galeria Maior in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Takes part in the exhibition Antirrealismos: Spanish Photomedia N ow at the Australian Centre for Photography in Sydney; the exhibition later travels to Hobart, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide, Australia, and New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Exhibits at Galeria Senda and Espai Nou in Barcelona, Galerie Stefan Röpke in Cologne, and Galerie Bob Gysin in Zurich.
Galerie Clairefontaine in Luxembourg and Sebastian Fath Contemporary in Mannheim, Germany, present exhibitions of Ortiz’s work.
Exhibits at Artium, Centro Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo in Vitoria, Spain, and Galería Max Estrella in Madrid.
Ortiz’s work is included in the exhibitions Chacun à son goût at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Jano: La doble cara de la fotografía, fondos de la colección permanente at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid.
His series Muros de luz (2004-06) is exhibited for the first time in Barcelona, at Galeria Senda. His work is featured in the exhibitions España 1957-2007: L’arte spagnola da Picasso, Miró, Dalí e Tàpies ai nostri giorni at the Palazzo Sant’Elia in Palermo, Italy, Miradas de hoy: Fondos de la colección del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Union Fenosa at the Instituto Cervantes in Warsaw, and Nuevas historias: A New View of Spanish Photography at the Stenersen Museum in Oslo and Kulturhuset in Stockholm.
Presents the exhibition Gap: Espacio latente at the Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea in San Sebastián, Spain. Recent works by Ortiz are shown at Galería Max Estrella in Madrid.
Galerie Stefan Röpke, Cologne, Germany, inaugurates the exhibition Lightwalls. His work is presented at the VII Bienal de Artes Plásticas Rafael Botí , held at Sala Puertanueva, Córdoba.
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao inaugurates the exhibition Laboratories. Insights into the Permanent Collection: Aitor Ortiz.
Aitor Ortiz is on at Fotografiska in Stockholm.
His work is included in the group exhibition titled La ciudad magnífica: Arquitecturas en la colección Circa XX-Pilar Citoler, held at the Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía (CAF) in Almería, Spain.
The solo exhibition Aitor Ortiz is hosted by Nusser & Baumgart in Munich, Germany.
Noúmenos opens at Galería Max Estrella in Madrid.
Verweilen can be seen at Sala Canal de Isabel II in Madrid.
Intromisiones is presented at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural Fenosa in A Coruña, Spain.
His work forms part of the group exhibition La piel translúcida. Obras de la Colección Iberdrola, held at Museo Patio Herreriano in Valladolid, Spain.
Circa XX-Pilar Citoler Collection at IAACC Pablo Serrano in Zaragoza, Spain.
Intromisiones is on at Le Centquatre in Paris.
Presents INTERSTICES – Photographs and Elements at Galerie Springer Berlin.
His work is included in La emoción de la luz, an exhibition held at the exhibition hall of the Ciudadela in Pamplona, Spain.
His work is part of the group exhibition First Choice II, at Galerie Springer Berlin.
His work is exhibited in RAUM / RÄUME II, held at Galerie Springer Berlin.
The exhibition La memoria trazadora opens at the Museo Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, Spain.
Participates in the project Doce fotógrafos en el Museo del Prado at the Prado Museum in Madrid.