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Past exhibition

Alice Neel: People Come First

09.17.2021 - 02.06.2022

“I have tried to assert the dignity and eternal importance of the human being”
Alice Neel: Mike Gold, Daily Worker, 1950

Alice Neel (b. 1900; d. 1984) is one of the most radical artists of the 20th century. A fervent advocate for social justice, humanism, and the dignity of people, she considered herself a “collector of souls.” Her works reflect the spirit of an era, the inner history of New York, focusing on those who experienced injustice as a result of sexism, racism, or capitalism, as well as those who combatted it. Showcasing her inclusive, democratic spirit, Neel painted people from a range of backgrounds and social statuses.

Alice Neel
Black Draftee (James Hunter), 1965
Oil on canvas
152.4 × 101.6 cm Framed: 176.2 × 125.7 × 9 cm
COMMA Foundation, Belgium
Courtesy The Estate of Alice Neel
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Virtual Tour

We’d like to invite you to enjoy a virtual tour of the exhibition Alice Neel: People Come First. This tour includes all the works and didactic texts in the show.

The Exhibition

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Carlos Enríquez, 1926
Oil on canvas
76.8 × 61 cm
Estate of Alice Neel
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Georgie Arce No. 2, 1955
Oil on canvas
76.2 × 55.9 cm
Collection of Lonti Ebers
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Nazis Murder Jews, 1936
Oil on canvas
106.7 × 76.2 cm
Rennie Collection, Vancouver
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Well Baby Clinic, 1928-1929
Oil on canvas
99.7 × 73 cm
Minneapolis Institute of Art, The Christina N. and Swan J.
Turnblad Memorial Fund, by exchange, and the Julia B.
Bigelow Fund
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Central Park, 1959
Oil on canvas
111.8 × 86.4 cm
Estate of Alice Neel
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Thanksgiving, 1965
Oil on canvas
76.2 × 86.4 cm
The Brand Family Collection
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Night, 1959
Oil on canvas
81.6 × 46.4 cm
Estate of Alice Neel
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Self-Portrait, 1980
Oil on canvas
135.3 × 101 × 2.5 cm
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Pregnant Maria, 1964
Oil on canvas
81.3 × 119.4 cm
Private collection
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

Alice Neel

Alice Neel
Black Draftee (James Hunter), 1965
Oil on canvas
152.4 × 101.6 cm
COMMA Foundation, Belgium
© The Estate of Alice Neel, Bilbao, 2021

In the Museum

