Morning After the Deluge
One of the few video works the artist shot himself, Morning After the Deluge features recorded video footage of sunrises and sunsets in Cape Cod produced by fusing real-time video imagery of the rising and setting of the sun into a single composite image. As the artist states: “In a sense, Morning After the Deluge is a study of the human figure: its place in the history of Western art, and its disintegration at the dawn of the digital age. In classical one-point perspective, all sight lines come together at the horizon, at the theoretical vanishing point where all things recede to infinity. The horizon is the primary visual reference for centering oneself within a landscape. In Morning After the Deluge, this relationship is flipped: the horizon line is uprooted and allowed to wander across the picture plane, while the sun becomes the still point, the visual anchor in an upside-down world.”