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The Boisgeloup  Plasters
The Boisgeloup Plasters

Pablo Picasso
Plâtre “Femme au vase” dans l’atelier de Boisgeloup, Gisors, en avril 1937
Maar Dora (dite), Markovitch Henriette Dora (1907-1997)
© Sucesión, Pablo Picasso, Madrid, 2023.
© Dora Maar, VEGAP, Bilbao

In 1930, Picasso purchased the Château de Boisgeloup, which opened up multiple possibilities for him. After remodeling a large barn and converting it into a sculpture lab, Picasso embarked on a period of great experimentation with form, material, and scale. The direct handling of plaster led Picasso to create large sensual volumes, assemble found objects, or simply evoke them by pressing different materials—corrugated cardboard, plant and tree leaves, wire mesh, and pastry molds—into the plaster to obtain different textures. The shapes of his female figures recall prehistoric fertility goddesses.

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