As part of the Didaktika Project, the Museum designs didactic spaces and special activities that complement every exhibition, providing tools and resources, both in the galleries and online, to facilitate the appreciation and understanding of the works exhibited.
This educational space proposes a game of observation and analysis around the art of Giorgio Morandi (b. 1890, Bologna; d. 1964, Bologna). Morandi’s paintings were inspired by his keen interest in the history of art. Morandi knew works by artists as diverse as Giovanni Bellini, Giotto di Bondone, Paul Cézanne, Lorenzo Costa, Piero della Francesca, Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Nicolas Poussin, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Henri Rousseau, Tiziano Vecellio, and Francisco de Zurbarán through visits to museums, prints and illustrations in books, and conversations with Roberto Longhi (b. 1890, Alba; d. 1970, Florence), an art critic and historian and personal friend.
Morandi reading a book.
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