Project: What’s done can be undone
24 fourth-grade students from Zorroza School, Bilbao
Teacher: Arantza Ayala
Artist: Manu Uranga
Language: Basque
Do, undo, reuse, observe, use for a different purpose… Recycling can be taken one step, or even several steps, farther. The process, which consisted in observing the textures and shapes of items found in waste bins, gave children multiple chances to explore shapes, colors, volumes and the origin of materials so as to suggest what they can be turned into. The activities carried out included creating collages with photos and fabrics or making busts with paper and fabrics, among others. The students experimented with simple materials that could be used in multiple ways. To do so, they had to read the labels on the items, trying to understand what each thing is made of and where materials like polyester, wool, or cotton come from. They also discussed the memory of objects or the concept of footprint, and tried to answer questions such as “Do objects and materials have memory?” They compared the industrial landscape around them with natural landscapes (they went to the beach). Children compared the trash pushed ashore from the sea and the natural elements by means of sculptures made from a wide array of objects found on the beach.
#Composition #SeeLookObserve #WhatCanThisBe #Free #Rethink #RadicalRecycling
“They felt like artists and saw themselves before art in a more open way. They shed their fear of art because they viewed themselves as capable of attaining results. They constructed a familiar relationship with art while having fun.”—Arantza Ayala