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Miradas atentas Wellbeing 1
June 12, 2:30 pm

Wellbeing Torus: Slow Gazing [+18]


Admission: €3 Members; €5 general public (plus Museum ticket for the day).


Community Desk.

More information

Tour duration: 40 min.
Limited number of places available.
No experience required.
Portable folding stools for the tour available at the coatroom. PRE-SALES (10:00 a.m.): Friends of the Museum: May 16; Followers: May 23; P.G. May 30.

As part of the Museum’s program Wellbeing through Art, Slow Gazing offers visitors the chance to look at the art collections slowly and carefully, savoring the moment. In a guided tour of some of the works in the Museum’s Collection, Slow Gazing delivers a mindful experience in which participants do breathing and meditation exercises to enhance their connection to art, as well as their sense of wellbeing and their peace of mind.

Conducted by: Esther Boulandier


Admission: €3 Members; €5 general public (plus Museum ticket for the day).


Community Desk.

More information

Tour duration: 40 min.
Limited number of places available.
No experience required.
Portable folding stools for the tour available at the coatroom. PRE-SALES (10:00 a.m.): Friends of the Museum: May 16; Followers: May 23; P.G. May 30.